Network Members
Name | Position | Affiliation |
Adamek, Juerg | Economist | International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
Ait Lahcen, Mohammed | Assistant Professor | Qatar University |
Alder, Simeon | Visiting Assistant Professor | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Alder, Simon | Assistant Professor | UNC Chapel-Hill |
Altermatt, Lukas | Lecturer | University of Essex |
Alvarez Blaser, Santiago | Postdoc | HBS |
Alvero, Adrien | PhD Student | Columbia GSB |
Andreolli, Michele | PhD Candidate | London Business School |
Annen, Kurt | Associate Professor | University of Guelph |
Ardia, David | IVADO Associate Professor | HEC Montréal |
Arni, Patrick | Assistant Professor | University of Bristol |
Avvisati, Francesco | Analyst | OECD, Paris |
Bagagli, Sara | Postdoctoral Fellow | Harvard University |
Baldi, Guido | Postdoc | DIW Berlin |
Barankay, Iwan | Associate Professor | Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Barczay, Michael Fabian | PhD Student | European University Institute |
Bello, Piera | Assistant Professor | Universita di Bergamo |
Bengui, Julien | Senior Research Advisor | Bank of Canada |
Berkes, Enrico | Postdoc | The Ohio State University |
Bianchi, Giuliano | PhD student | University of Bologna / Harvard |
Binswanger, Johannes | Professor | University of St. Gallen |
Blankart, Carl Rudolf | Professor | University of Bern |
Blankart, Charles Beat | Professor | Berlin |
Bohnet, Iris | Professor | Harvard KSG |
Bonadio, Barthelemy | Assistant Professor | NYU Abu Dhabi |
Boppart, Timo | Assistant Professor | IIES, Stockholm University |
Bretscher, Lorenzo | Assistant Professor | London Business School |
Brunnschweiler, Christa | Associate Professor | University of East Anglia |
Bucher, Stefan | Assistant Professor | University of Cambridge |
Bürgi, Constantin | Assistant Professor | University College Dublin |
Burkart, Mike | Professor | London School of Economics & Political Science |
Buser, Thomas | Assistant Professor | University of Amsterdam |
Bussy, Adrien | Assistant professor | National University of Singapore - LKYSPP |
Bütikofer, Aline | Associate Professor | Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) |
Carattini, Stefano | Assistant Professor | Georgia State University |
Cavaleri, Filippo | PhD Student | University of Chicago |
Ceccarelli, Marco | Assistant Professor | VU Amsterdam |
Chambru, Cédric | Associate Professor | École normale supérieure de Lyon |
Chatagny, Florian | Graduate Student | University Rennes 1 |
Chavaz, Matthieu | Senior Economist | Bank of England |
Chávez-Juárez, Florian | Assistant Professor | National Laboratory of Public Policy (LNPP) at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) |
de Preux, Laure | Assistant Professor | Imperial College London |
Disch, Lucienne | PhD student | UPenn |
Dumortier, Jerome | Assistant Professor | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis |
Durizzo, Kathrin | Postdoc | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Egger, Dennis | PhD Student | UC Berkeley |
Egger, Dennis Timo | PhD Student | UC Berkeley |
Eichenauer, Vera Zoe | PhD student | Alfred-Weber-Institut, Universitaet Heidelberg |
Eugster, Florian | Assistant Professor | Stockholm School of Economics |
Faltings, Richard T | PhD student | University of Texas at Austin |
Fankhauser, Sam | Professor of Climate Economics and Policy | University of Oxford |
Feld, Lars P. | Professor | Walter Eucken Institut Freiburg |
Feldmann, Sven | Associate Professor | Melbourne Business School |
Fiaux, Florian | PhD Student | Stanford University |
Flammer, Caroline | Professor | Columbia University |
Flury, Thomas | Graduate Student | University of Oxford |
Fracasso, Andrea | Professor | University of Trento |
Freund, Lukas B. | PhD Student | University of Cambridge |
Furlanetto, Francesco | Principal Researcher | Norges Bank |
Gaechter, Simon | Professor | University of Nottingham |
Galletta, Sergio | Postdoc | University of Barcelona |
Gallus, Jana | Postdoctoral Fellow | Harvard Kennedy School |
Gärtner, Dennis | Professor | University of Bonn |
Gáti, Laura Veronika | Senior Economist | ECB |
Gaule, Patrick | Associate Professor in Economics | University of Bristol |
Giannoni, Marc | Research Officer | Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
Giroud, Xavier | Professor | Columbia University |
Girsberger, Esther Mirjam | Assistant Professor | University of Technology Sydney |
Gisiger, Martin | Advisor ED | Asian Development Bank |
Goette, Lorenz | Professor | Universitaet Bonn |
Gomez, Daniel | Head of Competitiveness Research World Economic Forum | University of Chicago |
Grobovsek, Jan | Assistant Professor | |
Gross, Dominique M. (Ms) | Professor | Simon Fraser University |
Grujovic, Anja | Postdoctoral Fellow | CEMFI |
Habermacher, Florian | Head of Modelling | Oxford University |
Hafner, Flavio | Postdoc | Aalto University |
Hail, Luzi | Professor | The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Haller, Andreas | Assistant Professor | Norwegian School of Economics |
Harms, Philipp | Professor | RWTH Aachen |
Hasler, Andrea | Assistant Research Professor in Financial Literacy | George Washington University School of Business |
Hasler, Mathias | Visiting Assistant Professor | Boston College |
Hasler, Michael | Assistant Professor | University of Toronto |
Hauser, Daniela | Director | Bank of Canada |
Heinen, Andreas | Professor | Universite de Cergy-Pontoise |
Hertrich, Markus | Professor | HTW Saar |
Hilber, Christian | Lecturer | LSE |
Hunt, Jennifer | Professor | Rutgers University |
Huwiler, Marco | Senior Policy Advisor (on secondment) | Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
Ilin, Cornelia | PhD Candidate | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Jaccard, Ivan | Economist | European Central Bank |
Jaud, Mélise | Economist | Worldbank |
Jermann, Urban | Professor | Wharton |
Jiang, Lingqing | Assistant Professor | University of Essex |
Kabas, Gazi | Assistant Professor | Tilburg University |
Kaenzig, Diego | PhD Candidate | London Business School |
Kampfen, Fabrice | Assistant Professor in Economics | University College Dublin |
Kastoryano, Stephen | Assistant Professor | University of Mannheim |
Koby, Yann | Assistant Professor | Brown University |
Kohlscheen, Emanuel | Assistant Professor | University of Warwick |
Kolodziejczyk, Christophe | Researcher | AKF, Anvendt Kommunal-Forskning |
Krebs, Benjamin | Postdoctoral Associate | MIT |
Kruttli, Mathias | Assistant Professor | Kelley Business School, Indiana University |
Kueng, Lorenz | Professor | University of Lugano |
Kuersteiner, Guido | Professor | Georgetown University |
Kummer, Christopher | President | Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA) |
Kurmann, André | Visiting Associate Professor | The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Kyburz, Stephan | Postdoc | Center for Global Development, Europe Office, London |
L'Huillier, Jean-Paul | Assistant Professor | Brandeis University |
Leippold, Markus | Associate Professor | Imperial College London |
Liebert, Helge | Postdoc | Harvard University |
Lienert, Martin | Graduate Student | Universität zu Köln |
Litschig, Stephan | Associate Professor | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies |
Liu, Shuo | Phd Student | University of Zurich/Columbia University |
Loertscher, Simon | Senior Lecturer (Tenured) | Melbourne |
Looser, Luca | PhD Student | Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Lopez, Pierlauro | Research Economist | Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland |
Loretan, Mico | Chief, Financial Markets Section | Federal Reserve Board, Washington DC |
Ludwig, Julian F. | PhD Student | University of Texas at Austin |
Luethi, Eva | Graduate Student | Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona |
Maeder, Nicolas A. | PhD student | Vanderbilt University |
Marending, Myriam | Postdoc | Nova School of Business and Economics |
Martenet, Frédéric | PhD Student | Stanford University |
Marti, Joachim | Postdoctoral Fellow | Yale University |
Martin, Antoine | Senior Vice President | Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
Martinez, Isabel Z. | Postdoc | City University New York (CUNY) / KOF ETH Zürich |
Matter, Ulrich | Visiting Researcher | Harvard University |
Matthys, Felix | Assistant Professor | ITAM Business School |
Maurer, Thomas | Associate Professor of Finance | The University of Hong Kong |
Maurer, Tim | PhD Student | Copenhagen Business School |
McLoughlin, Cameron | Economist | Banque de France |
Meier, Armando | PhD Student | Columbia University |
Meier, Iwan | Associate Professor | HEC Montreal |
Meier, Jonas | Assistant Professor | University of Amsterdam |
Meier, Sarah | Postdoc | University of Exeter |
Meier, Stephan | Associate Professor | Columbia University GSB |
Mertens, Elmar | Economist | Deutsche Bundesbank |
Mettler, Alfred | ||
Mitali, Shema Frederic | PhD student | University of Warwick |
Montenegro Helfer, Laura | PhD student | UChicago Harris School of Public Policy |
Moser, Christoph | Professor | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Mueller, Andreas | Associate Professor | The University of Texas at Austin |
Mueller, Joris | Assistant Professor | National University of Singapore |
Mueller, Philippe | Lecturer in Finance | LSE |
Mueller, Ulrich | Associate Professor | Princeton |
Müller, Andreas | Assistant Professor | University of Essex |
Naef, Alain | PhD student | University of Cambridge |
Naef, Michael | Professor | University of Durham |
Narasimhan, Veda | Assistant Professor | NYU Abu Dhabi |
Nellen, Thomas | Economic Advisor | Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
Niedermayer, Andras | Post-Doctoral Research Fellow | University of Mannheim |
Nikolov, Boris | Assistant Professor | University of Rochester, Simon School of Business |
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix | Professor | Harvard HBS |
Ochsner, Christian | Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) | CERGE-EI |
Odabasioglu, Alper | Senior Economist | Bank of Canada |
Oechslin, Manuel | Associate Professor | Tilburg University |
Olafsson, Arna | Assistant Professor | Copenhagen Business School |
Ordás Criado, Carlos | Associate Professor | Université Laval |
Pauwels, Laurent | Lecturer | Business School, The University of Sydney |
Pelli, Martino | Assistant Professor | University of Sherbrooke |
Pelli, Michele | Economist, Research Collaboration Unit | Central Bank of Ireland |
Pérignon, Christophe | Professor of Finance | HEC Paris |
Petalas, Philippe-Emmanuel | Graduate Student | Princeton |
Petros, Fidel | PhD Candidate | Berlin School of Economics |
Peyer, Urs | Associate Professor of Finance | INSEAD, France |
Pfäuti, Oliver | Assistant Professor | University of Texas at Austin |
Piatti, Ilaria | Assistant Professor of Finance | University of Oxford |
Pippin, Sonja | Assistant Professor | University of Nevada |
Pomeranz, Dina | Assistant Professor | University of Zurich |
Povel, Paul | Professor | University of Houston |
Premand, Patrick | Economist | World Bank |
Rampini, Adriano | Douglas and Josie Breeden Professor of Financial Economics | Duke University |
Repele, Amalia Rosalie | PhD Student | Bocconi University |
Rigolini, Jamele | Program Leader for Human Development and Poverty, Human Development Network | World Bank |
Rindisbacher, Marcel | Professor | Boston University |
Rohner, Dominic | Professor | University of Lausanne |
Ronchetti, Diego | Assistant Professor | University of Groningen |
Roth, Lukas | Associate Professor | University of Alberta |
Roux, Catherine | Post-doctoral research fellow | UC Berkeley |
Rubin, Mirco | Lecturer | University of Bristol |
Ruprecht, Romina | Economist | Federal Reserve Board |
Rustagi, Devesh | Assistant Professor | Goethe Universität Frankfurt |
Saner, Patrick | Junior Professional Associate | The World Bank |
Schaeffer, Peter V. | Professor | West Virginia University |
Schaffner, Markus | Software Developer | None |
Schaub , Nic | Graduate Student | University of Mannheim |
Scheidegger, Simon | Postdoc | Stanford |
Schenker, Oliver | Assistant Professor | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Schetter, Ulrich | Postdoctoral Fellow | Growth Lab at Harvard University |
Schilter, Claudio | PhD student | London School of Economics |
Schlaepfer, Alain | Graduate Student | Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Schmid, Lukas | Professor | Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California |
Schmidt, Cornelius | Assistant Professor | Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) |
Schmitt, Nicolas | Professor | Simon Fraser University |
Schneider, Florian | Assistant Professor | University of Copenhagen |
Schönholzer, David | Assistant Professor | Stockholm University, IIES |
Schulz, jonathan | Research Fellow | University of Nottingham |
Schweizer, Urs | Professor | University of Bonn |
Seiler, Pascal | PhD Trainee | European Central Bank |
Sialm, Clemens | Professor | University of Texas at Austin |
Signorelli, Sara | PhD Student | Paris School of Economics |
Somogyi, Fabricius | Assistant Professor | Northeastern University |
Sonderegger, Silvia | Associate Professor | Nottingham |
Staub, Kevin | Associate Professor | University of Melbourne |
Staubli, Stefan | Assistant Professor | University of Calgary |
Steinhauer, Andreas | Lecturer | University of Edinburgh |
Straubhaar, Thomas | Director, Professor | Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), University of Hamburg |
Strieborny, Martin | Visiting Research Scholar | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Strittmatter, Anthony | Assistant Professor | CREST-ENSAE |
Stulz, Rene | Professor | Ohio |
Sublet, Guillaume | Assistant professor | Université de Montréal |
Szalay, Dezsö | Professor | University of Bonn |
Thiemann, Petra | Assistant Professor | Lund University |
Thierstein, Alain | Professor | TU München |
Thomas, Nellen | Economic Advisor | SNB (secondement NY FED) |
Torgler, Benno | Professor | Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Torun, David | Postdoc | UC San Diego |
Trionfetti, Federico | Professor | Aix-Marseille University |
Truempler, Kai Alexander | Graduate Student | London Business School |
Tyran, Jean-Robert | Professor | University of Vienna |
Ungersboeck, Pascal | PhD Student | New York University |
Vaccaro, Giannina | Post-Doc | University of California, Irvine |
Valta, Philip | Assistant Professor | University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute |
Vedolin, Andrea | Assistant Professor | Boston University, Questrom School of Business |
Vogt, Oliver | PhD Student | University of British Columbia |
von Zedtwitz, Max | Professor | GLORAD Research Center for Global R&D Management and Reverse Innovation |
Wagner, Martin | Assistant Professor | Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien |
Wälti, Sébastien | Economic Advisor | Swiss National Bank |
Wang, Yikai | Norway | University of Oslo |
Wasser, Cédric | Postdoc | University of Bonn |
Weber, Sebastian | Economist | IMF |
Weder, Beatrice | Professor | Mainz |
Weiss, Christoph | Senior Economist | European Investment Bank |
Wicht, Adrien | PhD Candidate | European University Institute |
Wipf, Christian | Lecturer | University of Essex |
Woschitz, Jiri | Associate Professor | BI Norwegian Business School |
Wuethrich, Kaspar | Assistant Professor | UC San Diego |
Zenker, Christina | Assistant Professor | Zayed University |
Zimmermann, Christian | Assistant Vice President | Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis |
Züllig, Gabriel | PhD Student | Danmarks Nationalbank and Copenhagen University |
* Please contact us if you wish to send announcements about job openings, conferences, etc. to members of our network. Do not send unsolicited e-mails directly to our members.